An incredible story of former biker gang members whom are now Christians. This compelling and riveting script of the violent subculture world of biker gangs is an eye opener. Former Hell's Angels, Pagans, Bandidos, Aces & Eights, etc. members are opening the chapters of their lives in order for this documentary to be screened. Writer / director David Kaltenbach has been given the opportunity to enter their past world and is screenwriting an interwoven tapestry of extraordinary experiences and stories. The end result and common thread for these biker survivors is that they meet at the "Foot of the Cross."
A documentary investigating the historical timeline of the commercial fishing industry on Long Beach Island, New Jersey. We welcome you to visit our trailers. Presented by Viking Village and Kaltenbach Productions.
As an artist, punctuated by extensive world travel and location filming, David brings an eclectic background to the film world. Over 25 years ago the metamorphosis from an accomplished watercolorist to filmmaker was a natural transition that led to the creation of travelogues of Barbados, Mexico, Costa Rica, the Caribbean & England. Documentaries, short movies and local cable TV programming keeps the imagination flowing. As an entrepreneur with creative vision, Kaltenbach has always invested into cutting edge ideas.
" Have camera will travel..." journeying out to sea filming or traveling the world with the camera and surfboard, it has been ingrained in his biological make-up.
A soothing gentle look at a 'pearl' of an island, Long Beach Island off the coast of New Jersey. Also known as LBI, filmmaker David Kaltenbach combines beautiful motion imagery of the island's white sands and interweaves filmic music along with a lovely voice.
Over 25 years ago David Kaltenbach fell in love with motion imaging storytelling, simply using the video camera to document actual footage. He dove into the realm of cable access TV and produced a wacky & whimsical broadcast show called "L.B.I. Live." The program ran from the summer of 1994 to the summer of 1998. It was one of the first shows of it's kind. David was the cameraman ( 95% of all the shows he never had a cameramen ), the actor / host, a variety of characters, the best boy ( sound, grip, lighting, …etc.), the set designer, the in-house writer / creator, the music arrangement engineer and last of not less the editor. Which as editor was a huge, huge feat! This was before the digital age and computer program editing software. The assemblage of the elements of the show was done by press play, send thru the mixer and then record onto the master to be broadcast. And if you didn't get it right, do it all over again. Some shows took 25 to 40 hours ( in the weeee hours because he had a full time job at D.K. Design Studio, Surf City, N.J. USA ) a week to edit. This summer of 2014 is the 20th Anniversary of L.B.I. Live! Please be patient we are currently archiving and formatting old shows to be posted.
Built in 1890 by Scandinavian fishermen, the church is nestled amongst sand dunes and cedars exhibiting their vast history. The church is home to spectacular stain glass windows, the museum quality Triptych, wood carvings, and pews dating back to 1790.